Monday, October 27, 2014

The Home Automation Revolution

    I've been watching the world of Home Automation for some time now and have owned and implemented various gadgets to solve problems in my own home and to offer budget sensitive building owners solutions they can afford.
    My own experience started with X10® systems that communicated over my home high voltage power system (110v). These systems worked great and I even used one in a building to control a damper where it was not possible, or at least not cost appropriate, to run wire.
The X10 systems are still widely used and available with new features and a loyal following.
    What I've been really excited about lately and want to cover today is the new players in the Home Automation or Smart Home business.
As of May 2014 Microsoft Corporation® has partnered with Insteon® and started selling the Starter Kit as well as Light Switches, Light Bulbs, and Security Cameras.
    In June 2014 not to be outdone Apple® announced at its Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco the HomeKit® software platform, to integrate control for light dimming, door locking, and other home automation gadgets and features to iOS devices.
    Amazon, eager to meet the needs of excited tech junkies added a Home Automation page to their site with videos, solutions guides, and everything you didn't know you needed to know about Home Automation. This is like shopping at your favorite store where you always leave with a full cart of things you didn't know you needed.
    The main thing to keep in mind here is to design a system not just for your needs today but something you can grow into. You don't want a separate interface for your music, another for your thermostat and another for your lighting. Find a system that will cover all your needs and a company that is committed to inter-operability and integration of all your systems into one platform and one interface. This interface needs to of course be available anywhere you have internet, on any device you choose and it needs to be easy enough to operate that your ten year old can entertain themselves with control options, if you choose to let your ten year old loose with "Keys to the Castle". The Home Automation Revolution is here and soon enough whether we like it or not most everything in our world will be connected. If you think it's time to get involved start slow, buy a smart light bulb, and watch your obsession with energy conservation grow.

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Sean Munding is an independent Building Automation contractor who specializes in connecting systems with people. He is the owner of Advanced Control and lives in the SF Bay Area.